How Your Brand Is Like A Tinder Profile

by Celeste

How do you get people to swipe right? That’s one thing we all have in mind when creating a profile. I like to look out for profiles that showcase someone’s personality and individuality. Profiles that tell me this person is authentically themselves and didn’t just recycle some overused bio from the internet. I always find that the conversations and overall experience I have with such dates are more pleasant and sincere.

With several years of experience as a serial swiper under my belt, I’ve picked up a few things that can be applied to branding as well. There are only 2 things that truly matter: (1) who are you looking to attract and (2) how do you entice them. 

You wouldn’t use a picture of you hitting up the bars and chugging bottles if you were looking for someone who’s more of a homebody, would you? You might find yourself ending up with a date who’s the complete opposite of what you were seeking in the first place. The same logic applies in branding. Just like for your company, you should have a clear idea of who your target audience is and curate a profile that they can easily relate to and connect with. The tone you use, the content you put out and pictures, all play a part in expressing who you are. Afterall, you attract what you send out.

Now that you know your target audience, the next step is finding a way to stand out. You see profiles on top of profiles in a standard swiping session, what makes you swipe right or better yet, swipe up (For the uninitiated among us, this means to super like someone)? I’ve taken breaks from my left-swiping sprees for profiles with funny and original bios that showcased the person’s personality. Profiles with photos of scenic spots beyond Singapore caught my eye as well (that is, until everyone started doing it).

My point is, be original, break out of the mould. Take the effort to develop your brand identity and personality, and the audience will do the rest for you. And if you can’t be original, you should at least have some good quality visuals. I don’t just mean high-definition, I mean pictures that tell a story. Pictures that will make your audience stop in their tracks to check you out. I once came across this guy who used pictures of himself hiking, cooking and reading. These bits and pieces that he provided helped me to form a mental puzzle of him as a multifaceted person with diverse interests.

And finally, the date. The chance for you to wow your date and create a lasting impression. You may have gotten their attention but whether you can score a purchase and keep their loyalty is another matter. It pays off well to be prepared and dedicated to your purpose. This is a chance for you to show that you are exactly who you say you are and not just another catfish in the sea. 

If you’re all about having fun you make sure that your customers never have a dull experience either with you or your products.

If you’re all about the environment, you better live up to what you promised. 

The saying “came for the looks but stayed for the personality” holds true more than ever.

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